
Unfortunately, EGAS has no funds of its own. As a section of EPS, it has technically some claim for financial help if a conference makes a loss due to unforeseen circumstances, but on the whole the responsibility lies with the local Committee to make the Conference self-supporting, to find money where it can, to organise economically, and to work to a tight budget. Some money can often raised from the State, from the EU, from learned societies, or from industry (either by having an exhibition or sometimes merely putting an acknowledgement in the handbook). However, the bulk has usually to be obtained from the participants themselves.

To keep the fee down to a minimum it is normally used to cover only the essential expenditure - circulars, mailing costs, the handbook, hire of lecture theatres, and so on. Such items as the Conference Dinner, sight-seeing tours, etc., are paid for separately as optional extras, so that participants with very little money are not obliged to pay for things they cannot afford. Despite this, it is generally possible to find enough funds from somewhere to organise an inexpensive reception or other activity of some kind to which everyone, including families, can go.

The various ways of keeping costs down are fairly obvious - graduate students, colleagues and families are often a source of cheap and enthusiastic labour. Some Universities allow the use of lecture theatres, typists, and copying facilities free, or for a nominal charge, when the character of the Conference is explained to them. Invited speakers can be asked to finance themselves from other sources where possible, and there is generally enough choice within Europe to avoid the need to pay fares from far-flung corners of the earth.

One comforting note; the number of paying participants at EGAS Meetings has been remarkably stable over the years, at between 200 and 300, making costing and other arrangements more straightforward than would be the case with a less-well established event.

In raising finance organisers should bear in mind the need to be able to make grants to help some delegates attend the conference. There will always be deserving recipients who cannot raise enough finance from other sources.